Code"0" is for Canine Tooth Code"00" is for Upper and Lower Pre-Molars and Anterior Tooth Code"2"is for Pre-Molars and Lower Incisor Code"2A" is for Pre-Molars Code"5" is for Large Upper Molars Code"6"is for Front Tooth Code"7"is for Lower Molars Code"8"is for Upper Small Pre-Molars Code"8A"is for Small Molars Code"12A" is for Lower Right Molars Code"13A" is for Lower Left Molars Code"14A" is for Large Molars Code"26N" is for Upper Molars Code"22" is for Upper and Lower Canine Tooth Code"24" is for deep buccal cavities of molars, Wider fringe of buccal side Code"28" is for Upper and Lower Molars Code "44" is for Upper and Lower Anterior Tooth Code"56" is for Large Molars Code"201" is for Deciduous Teeth Upper Molars Code"202" is for Deciduous Teeth Lower Molars Code"203" are for Deciduous Teeth Upper Left Molar and Deciduous Teeth Lower Right Molar Code"204" are for Deciduous Teeth Upper Right Molar and Deciduous Teeth Lower Left Molar Code"206" is for Deciduous Teeth Upper and Lower Pre-Molars Code"207" is for Deciduous Teeth Pre-Molars Code"210" is for Upper Front Teeth Code"211" is for Lower Front Teeth Gode"212" is for Upper and Lower Front Teeth Code"B4" is for Anterior teeth or Caspid Code"W14A" is for Lower Molars Code"G1", "G2" are for Guaze or cotton rolls.