MDA REG. NO. : GB10414319-34163
CeraSeal, which is made of calcium silicate, provides an optimally biocompatible environment for tissues in the root canal. It is obviously the next generation of bioceramic sealer, which has excellent sealing ability and biocompatibility.
- anti-microbial
- optimal biocompatibility
- excellent sealing ability
- Unique stability
Excellent Sealing Ability
- Moisture in the dentinal tubules and Calcium Silicateβs chemical reaction produce crystallization of Calcium Hydroxide
- CeraSeal is perfectly and fully hermetic in the root canal
- It prevents from the propagation of bacteria
Unique stability
- CeraSeal never shrinks or expands in the root canal
- It prevents from odontoclasis by keeping its stable volume
- The Single cone technique obturation can be performed
Shorter Setting time
- prevents from wash-out phenomenon
- The wash-out phenomenon can happen if the MTA or MTA based sealer is not sufficiently cured or the exudate is produced in the root canal. Consequently, the root canal sealer is washed away by physical forces. CeraSeal prevents by curing faster than other sealers.
CONTAINS : 2g Pre-mixed syringe Γ 1EA Intra canal tips Γ 15EA
Physical Properties
- Setting Time3,5 h
- pH12 <
- Radiopacity8mm <