MDA NO: GB882311257519
EXP DATE: 03/2027
- SUNTOUCH SOLUBLE HEMOSTATIC GAUZE use natural cellulose as the main raw material, by using innovative technology and special production equipment to modify cellulose fiber so that the carboxymethyl-modified gauze has a good water solubility.
- It can effectively prevent bleeding in the operation process, protect the wound and prevent adhesion.
- For external, short term, use for the control of bleeding from lacerations, cuts, abrasions, and venipuncture. For the general population and for those on anticoagulant medications.
- Unique weave structure, soft and comfortable.
- Easy to use and convenient to carry.
- Suitable to cut, pack or layer to fit.
- Maintain wound-healing environment.
- Clear viscous gel avoids second trauma.
- Open package and take out the gauze.
- Place the gauze on wound surface and apply firm pressure directly over the wound until bleeding stops. Multiple gauze layers may be needed.
- Cover with chean dressing or bandage to maintain pressure.
- Seek medical professional help if necessary.
More effective:
- By forming gelatin, Suntouch Soluble Hemostatic Gauze increases platelet adhesion and accelerates the aggregation of red blood cells, the thrombus can be rapidly formed to achieve the purpose of auxilliary hemostasis.
- Because this prodct has the characteristic of fast gel and dissolution and its unique adhension to tissue th ehemostatic efect is more significant.
- SUNTOUCH® Soluble Hemostatic Gauze are made with special knitting methodsοΌwhich made it has good compliance and is suitable for all kinds of wounds. It is easy to cover, pack and fill bleeding wounds. Moreover, the transparent gel formed by SUNTOUCH® Soluble Hemostatic Gauze does not cover the surgical field of vision, and is convenient for observation and further operation.
- Pack 0.5 x 0.7cm - 60 pcs/ box
- Pack 1.5 x 1.5cm - 60 pcs/ box